Is it okay to say that I am still processing 2017? It takes time to get over certain life events, even after so many years have gone by. A mere change in the calendar no longer guarantees New Year, New Me or promises healing. It takes effort and time for attaining both goals. It’s hardContinue reading “GEARING FOR NEW YEAR THOUGHTS”

Manushreya’s weekly blog: Reminiscing childhood through books

Hello beautiful person How have you been? Hope you are safe at home. As you know, I have been reading all the unread books in my TBR pile since the beginning of 2020. Lately, I have started to read children’s book. So far, I have already read Matilda by Roald Dahl, Oliver Twist by CharlesContinue reading “Manushreya’s weekly blog: Reminiscing childhood through books”

Weekly blog: Let’s say a prayer together

Hey there   How are you doing? Hope you and your loved ones are safe and taking care of themselves. As the world deals with this crisis, let us take a minute and say a prayer for a better time. For a healthier and peaceful world. Together, our prayers will definitely help all of us.Continue reading “Weekly blog: Let’s say a prayer together”

Weekly blog: Are you dressing up daily?

Hello Sunshine How are you doing? I couldn’t post last week due to technological adversity. My laptop’s charger cable stopped working two weeks ago and power bank has stopped working too. Anyway, here I am trying to make lemonade out of these unwanted lemons. Today, I wish to ask you a question, instead of meContinue reading “Weekly blog: Are you dressing up daily?”

Weekly Blog: National Poetry Writing Month

Hello dear friends Hope you are safe and taking care of yourself and family. May the times of crisis come to an end soon and we resume our normal lives. In these testing times, we are all trying to be motivated and  stay positive. Poems definitely come handy when things around stop to make anyContinue reading “Weekly Blog: National Poetry Writing Month”


Hola guys Here I am, sharing my first hand experience. I had never thought this would ever happen to me, to us and our future. Thanks to Harsh, I had already made up my mind towards the end of 2019. That I would not buy new books until I read dozens of my unread booksContinue reading “MY NOT SO LITTLE BOOKSHELF”


While walking to my tuition which is ten minutes away, I come across dogs in my path. They aren’t just one or two but more than a dozen. My society itself has more than two dozen dogs. I consider my society to be pet friendly except a few jerks which harass them unnecessarily. There isContinue reading “COUNTING DOGS ON MY WAY”


Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well with Lord’s grace. So today’s blog has been on my mind for a really long time. I am going to share with you all some confessions-  My confessions as a book lover. Here you go. Ever lied to your parents or girlfriend and boyfriend that you areContinue reading “CONFESSIONS OF A BOOK LOVER”

My Monday Musings #latepostalert

While growing up, I am asked the same question which was asked to all of us. The question of one’s calling and passion. When I get my free time, I am always dreaming about all the possible lives I can live. Being a kid at heart, I wish to have multiple lives within my limitedContinue reading “My Monday Musings #latepostalert”