Weekly blog:Time management in the Corona times

Hello beautiful people Welcome to my weekly blog. Today’s blog is a requested one from a few of my readers. I think all of us are facing this problem especially in the times of Coronavirus pandemic. The problem is that of time management. How do we get our tasks done when there is no externalContinue reading “Weekly blog:Time management in the Corona times”


Hello babies It is my day 18 of self quarantine and I can relate to all your boredom, stress and every emotion you are experiencing right now. I am sure you all have been receiving various forwarded messages to do umpteen number of tasks to set yourself free from this ongoing misery and make theContinue reading “A FUN PLAYLIST FOR YOU ALL”

Mathematical Chauvinism

In the world full of male and linguistic chauvinism,I have come across my new type of chauvinism and that is mathematical chauvinism. According to Merriam Webster, chauvinism refers to excessive or prejudiced support for one’s own cause. It is often believed that these are unreasonable beliefs of an individual. “Maths nahi padhi, toh kya padha?”Continue reading “Mathematical Chauvinism”